“Little Red Roofs” in Understorey Magazine

red-roofsMy poem “Little Red Roofs” is up today in Understorey Magazine, Issue #9. Happy to say they totally nailed it with this gorgeous accompanying photo of Deanne Fitzpatrick‘s brilliant artisan textile. Of course I totally, totally want one, because of, you know, the little red roofs.

[link http://understoreymagazine.ca/article/little-red-roofs ]

From “Little Red Roofs“:

What has brought on
my predilection for houses
with little red roofs?

I never lived in one
—not to my knowledge—
but out in the world
continually reach for even
hokey nicknacks of the image:
vintage plaster souvenirs from
Amsterdam or Aruba,
country carvings of Amish barns
and tiny bisque pagodas
marked Occupied Japan.